Figure Skating Synthetic Ice
SmartRink is serious about helping you understand synthetic ice for figure skating. We would like to work with you to help you understand how our products differ from other synthetic ice panels for figure skaters. Our mission is to provide the best overall synthetic ice experience for figure skaters on a synthetic ice surface. Our primary advantages over other brands are:
- FOREVER warranty due to our incredible synthetic panel durability for figure skating training.
- Superior Glide Performance for figure skating due to our uncompromising attention to our sinter pressed materials
- Client Product Confidence with our Home Trial advantage allows you, the figure skater, and/or the parent to try the product
Synthetic Ice for Figure Skating
Let’s examine if synthetic ice for figure skating is worthy to pursue. I’ve had the pleasure to meet and work with some amazing champion figure skaters over the years. The list includes champions likes Jamie Sale, David Pelletier, Joannie Rochette, Jennifer Don, and Robert Strong. All champions and all extremely accomplished skaters.
One thing about figure skaters I’ve come to appreciate is the level of detail and condition they give to their skates — to perform at their best. Some will roll with the punches and some insist on perfection – that’s part of what’s made them champions – attention to detail. Some figure skaters that I’ve worked have made adjustments, even during televised performances! I’ve seen figure skaters doing complex lifts, jumps, and spins on synthetic ice – and it was virtually their first time using synthetic ice! From what I’ve seen, much of their confidence in the product comes from relying on sharp skates that allows them to edge in for certain moves. Depending on their routine, they can dial up or down the complexity if they don’t feel 100% confident. On the other hand some figure skaters perform often on synthetic ice and are completely at home with it.
The bottom line is that figure skating synthetic ice can be an effective training tool on certain moves. Figure skaters often require large surfaces to practice certain parts of their routines. Unless you have access to a large synthetic ice surface, for those aspects of training that don’t require a great deal of space, then a smaller scale synthetic ice surface can not only give a figure skater unlimited ice time but nicely compliment their real ice training regimen.
A Figure Skater Reviews SmartRink Synthetic Ice Panels
“I just finished my best skate ever on my SmartRink. It was my first, with the added row of 3 panels. It is so enjoyable being able to glide longer–and not always having to make tight turns. I enjoyed it before, out of appreciation more than joy or happiness. Now, I am truly enjoying skating, not just thankful for practice availability. I was moved to joyful tears! I skated longer than ever, and tried new maneuvers. What a delightful time. Before, it was strictly practice with intense focus. Now, it has become the satisfying ecstasy of my favorite sport/artistic expression. I detect the first symptom signs that my edges are less keen–and will soon need sharpening. It’s so pleasing how well my blades maintain edges on my infused panels. I believe they are a tad softer than others I sampled (my blades cut in more). But they skate the best. That is paramount.”
– R. Strong, Synthetic Ice Figure Skater in Florida
Figure Skating Synthetic Ice Panels
Our best synthetic ice panels for figure skaters are SINTER Pressed. Most North American brands we come across are extruded material. We sell extruded material also, but because we sell both extruded and sinter pressed material we feel very comfortable comparing them. We also feel we can be more helpful in assisting you to make an informed decision about buying synthetic ice panels for figure skaters.
If you feel you would like additional information or maybe looking for a product and price comparison then please hit the Product / Price Request button below and a SmartRink representative will assist you as soon as possible.
SmartSkate8000 Synthetic Ice for Figure Skating

Ready for figure skating training at home? This is our high performance synthetic ice panel – for less. Both indoors and outdoors, this synthetic figure skating product will beat the pants off the best North American produced synthetic ice materials.
Incredibly durable, this German produced synthetic ice material is well suited with both budget and performance in mind.
- Forever guaranteed synthetic ice surface for figure skaters!
- Higher performance for less!
- SINTER pressed solid sheets – greater density – great durability
- No messy powdery residue
- UV stabilized
- Can be used anywhere there is a solid flat, level surface
Profast8000-SG Synthetic Ice for Figure Skating

The Best synthetic ice for figure skaters! Others try but they can’t come close to this glide and FOREVER Warranty!
This is our professional series product – but for the DIY market. If you want the best synthetic ice panel material for figure skating on the market produced today, then this is it!
This German engineered and produced panel is made with SmartGlide Technology which means the spray on glide enhancer is 100% optional, and not required! EVER!
- VHMWPe providing excellent balance between longevity and market leading, exceptional performance.
- Multiple slip additives provide superior glide – for life!
- Infused permanent glide enhancer
- LIFETIME warranty
- Extreme durability – no messy powdery residue
- UV stabilized
- can be used anywhere there is a solid flat, level surface
Synthetic Ice for Figure Skating
Frequently Asked Questions
How realistic is the synthetic ice to skate on? How does it compare to real ice?
How will synthetic ice make me a better figure skater?
What maneuvers can be performed on synthetic ice? what can’t?
Do i need special skates? will the toe picks damage the ice?
What is the price per square foot? How much should I expect to pay?
Photos of Figure Skating Synthetic Ice
Be inspired by some of these photos of synthetic ice rinks for figure skaters. So let your imagination be your guide as you consider what your synthetic rink design might be. From the most simplistic synthetic ice panel to practice spins, to a more professional looking backyard set-up for compact routines – here are some great synthetic ice images for figure skaters and examples to get you thinking about your own synthetic ice surface at home!
Synthetic Ice Figure Skating Videos
Buy Synthetic Ice Rink
for Figure Skating Today!
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