Skating on Synthetic Ice

Players face off on SmartRink Synthetic Ice

Players face off on SmartRink Synthetic Ice

Is there an adjustment period to skating on synthetic ice? 

With any training product there is always an adjustment while you learn how to use it and become comfortable with it so you can improve your skills.  Synthetic ice is no different! Skating on synthetic ice will force your body and muscles to practice proper skating techniques so that when you transition to real ice, you will be that much quicker and have increased agility.  You will see an improvement in your stride and you will develop quick feet that gives you an competitive edge amongst other skaters.

How long does it take to adjust to skating on synthetic ice?

Depending on your skating ability and how sharp your skates are, your adjustment period could be anywhere from a few minutes to 20 minutes for skating on synthetic ice.  Keeping your feet moving will give you the best experience, which is no different than on real ice. If you don’t move your feet, you won’t be able to glide.  Start out with something simple such as a T-push or long strides.

 What’s it like to skate on synthetic ice?

Speaking from personal experience, I’ve been skating for over 25 years and have played hockey for the majority of those years.  When it came to skating on synthetic ice at first, it was a bit different. But after about 5 minutes of skating around and getting the “feel” for skating on synthetic ice, there was nothing I couldn’t do on synthetic ice that I can do on real ice.  I can tell you with 100% confidence that if you or your child were using our synthetic ice product regularly, not only will they have no trouble skating on synthetic ice, but you WILL see an improvement in their skating ability on real ice and watch how their confidence increases along with it.

Is synthetic ice good for beginners or those learning how to skate?

Using synthetic ice for those just learning to skate is a phenomenal training tool. It helps them keep their balance more so than real ice because there is a bit more resistance.  This will help improve their confidence and encourage them to keep pushing forward whether they be hockey players or figure skaters.  Having the resistance also helps them stand up longer which gives them a better opportunity to take their hands off of the sides and skate all by themselves.  It might still hurt when they fall down, but at least it’s not as cold!

If you would like more information on skating on synthetic ice, check out our website or contact one of our representatives and they would be happy to help answer your questions.

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