community synthetic ice rinks

Community Synthetic Ice Rinks

Community Synthetic Ice Rinks

Consider Community Synthetic Ice Rinks for your community’s recreational needs. SmartRink™ is dedicated to aiding communities in positive growth by establishing cost-effective recreational spaces that cater to people of all ages and skill levels.


Community rinks can be round, oval, square or rectangle shapes. In other words, all shapes and sizes! Moreover, it comes to synthetic ice community rinks there are numerous advantages – and possibly a few disadvantages to consider.

On the plus side the biggest one will likely be cost. A synthetic ice community rink would be considerably less money to construct than a mechanically refrigerated ice surface. Then there are the annual operating costs to consider. As a general rule of thumb a synthetic ice surface can typically provide a one year simple payback verses the comparison to the annual operating cost of a refrigerated system.

Synthetic Ice Maintenance

One consideration often overlooked is maintenance. Synthetic ice is not maintenance free – it has to be kept clean on a regular basis. We generally advise at least once daily to keep a surface clean. That is typically enough for an indoor surface. Depending on the location – more than once per day may be required if there is a lot of dust and dirt getting on the surface. However compare that to hourly for a refrigerated surface under normal use. So it’s a good idea to include a process for cleaning the surface daily so that the users can have the best experience possible.

What About Sizes or Shapes of Community Synthetic Ice Rinks?

A synthetic ice community rink can come in various shapes and sizes. Moreover, one emerging trend we see is the growing interest in skating trails, where the synthetic ice takes on the shape of an existing path system for winter seasonal use. With certain products, we can adjust the shape to whatever you want.

With a synthetic ice community rink, any flat, level area will make a suitable surface. If it gets cold enough and with the proper preparation you could even flood over and freeze water on top of the synthetic ice surface for 1 or 2 of the coldest months and then have the best of both worlds.

A Fitter and Healthier Community

In this paragraph let’s explore a fitter and healthier community with your community synthetic ice rink. Firstly, active people lead healthier, happier lives. Studies also suggest that they have stronger connections to their communities.

Secondly, improved access to recreational infrastructure means more than just fit and healthy residents. By expanding the possibilities for social engagement, fostering stronger community spirit, and bolstering the economy through tourism, revitalization programs, and other revenue opportunities, we can create a more vibrant and thriving community.

Thirdly some new ideas for community recreation are good for the taxpayer. Therefore, the idea of a Community Synthetic Ice Rink is just starting to catch on as cash strapped communities consider SmartRink Synthetic Ice as a viable recreation alternative. Not all synthetic ice products are suitable for community rink applications. Therefore, careful consideration is required regarding the type of material and the appropriate connection system for the intended use. SmartRink’s SINTER pressed synthetic ice material is trusted to deliver excellent long-term performance and a connection system that remains reliable both short-term and long-term.

Creative Uses of Public Spaces for Your Community Synthetic Ice Rink

  • Combine a ball hockey facility with ice skating.
  • Take the skate park idea to a whole new level combining skateboarding, with roller blading and ice skating.
  • Create a skating trail – could be seasonal or year round. All of a sudden you convert to a rollerblade, skateboarding, walking or bike trail during other seasons.
  • Create a “floating rink” – combine natural or man-made water with a platform of synthetic ice. It gives the appearance of skating on frozen water, anytime of year.
  • Take existing sports infrastructures such as basketball courts, tennis courts, skate parks, parking lots, turf fields, etc., and transform them into seasonal skating facilities for the winter months.
  • Add skating to a ski resort or a golf course – these would be unique new features aimed at providing additional recreational activities and value to tourists and regular facility users.
  • Create an outdoor speed skating oval for a fraction of the price of a refrigerated system.

Community Rink Synthetic Ice Panels

Although most suppliers claim to have a synthetic ice panel that is heavy duty or designed for community sized rinks, what they really mean is that they have a thicker panel. At SmartRink we take the time to really understand the intended use of your community ice rink and we have a variety of panels to offer you based on:

  • number of skaters in the community
  • inside or outside rink installation
  • permanent or temporary rink setup
  • rink location
  • who will be using it

For installation and safe skating peace of mind, contact us and we will help you understand all your community synthetic ice options.

HybridLock 1500 Medium Duty Panels

If you need quick installation combined with connection strength then this community rink panel is for you. With HybridLock we can even install solid coloured line markings for hockey. This is our newest community synthetic ice panel system at 15mm thick.

ProFast1500 Synthetic Ice Specs


SmartLock 1800 Heavy Duty Panels

This community synthetic ice panel uses patented H-Tongue technology to provide the strongest panel connection system in the industry. This product can even be installed on any kind of surface. Most importantly, the product is so strong that you can even have natural ice frozen over top without compromising the panel joint.  As a result, you can have real ice in the winter time and synthetic ice in warmer months! That’s pretty cool. Solid colored hockey line markings can be used with this system.

ProFast1800 Synthetic Ice Specs


ProFast8000 Interlocking Panels

Perfect for swift and hassle-free community setups on level, firm substrates, these panels are available in user-friendly weights and sizes. Installation is easily achievable by virtually anyone, as no special tools are required. This product is particularly well-suited for temporary or seasonal setups.

ProFast8000 Specs

Community Synthetic Ice Photos

 Check out these examples of Public Skating, Community Skating Rinks, Hockey Tournaments, Figure Skating Shows, Special Events, Synthetic Ice for Curling, and so much more!

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Community Synthetic Ice Videos

We are committed to improving recreational access in all communities 

Whether you’re a community grappling with funding challenges or a charity in need of infrastructure, we’re here to help. Explore our programs below and inquire about how our innovative solutions can assist you.

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